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© Long Island Aquarium Service, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Q: I already have a  fish tank, will you maintain a pre-existing tank?
A: Absolutely!  Whether you are no longer satisfied with your current maintenance company, or you are tired of maintaining you tank yourself, we will gladly service an existing tank.

Q:  Will you maintain my tank while I am on vacation, even if I am not a current customer?
A:  Of course.  Feel free to give us a call and we will work out a service schedule for the time that you are away.

Q:  I currently have a maintenance company, but I constantly have to clean the tank myself, will I have the same problem with your company?
A: No.  You should not have to “get your hands wet,” unless you want to.

Q: I love the idea of an aquarium, but I know nothing about it.  Can you help me to determine the best kind of tank to suit my needs?
A: Absolutely!  Give us a call or e-mail us and we will discuss all of your tank options with you.